1 What is Smacsta?

Smacsta is a market 1st "MANY-TO-ONE" social media content “STREAMLINING” software. It allows MANY content contributors to use a SINGLE online tool to upload social media posts for eventual publishing on “main” official business social media pages. “MAIN” official page accounts can receive posts from as many as 1000 affiliated business branches, contributors, stores, tenants, etc. allowing for diverse, rich content to become a growth driver. With built-in formatting prompts, manual scheduling and paid-boosting features, the burden and complexity of content approval, scheduling and publishing is reduced. The software ultimately creates an opportunity for businesses (especially at HQ level) to:

  • Easily fulfill and amplify their marketing support agreements to their affiliated branches, stores, tenants, or content contributors.
  • Improve productivity (using “freed up” processing time for other business activities)
  • Drive user traffic
  • Monetize their social media presence (Build Social Commerce)
  • Gradually groom the affiliated branches, stores, tenants into savvy content contributors
  • Transition from an analog official “Master” business social media page content publishing process to a digitized one, thereby aligning with global technological advances


2. Who should be using this tool?

Any content approver and or custodian that is trapped and slowed down by the bottleneck of having to receive, aggregate, sort, quality check, correct, consolidate, and approve social media content before posting it to the official “main” social media business page. If your business has multiple branches, stores, tenants, or affiliated content contributors that need to submit social media content that you must then review, approve, and publish on the official, business social media pages as part of the marketing service agreement, then Smacsta is for you.
The need is even greater if your business (HQ) has a small marketing team; and or no digital- online marketing personnel or social media agency.


3. How does the tool help me?

Built as an “ASSISTANT” that steps in to do the heavy lifting, Smacsta reduces complexity and supports your business effort to grow your audience (Reach) and user base incrementally. Further and over time, the tool will trigger improvements in the quality of your collective, integrated, and syndicated “content, which in turn creates an opportunity for the official “main’ business social page to host an endless pipeline of more suitably “packaged” content.
In more direct and specific terms, Smacsta helps you in 7 important ways namely:

  • A. Many-To-One: Multiple content providers can ALL funnel their social media posts for publishing on “main” official social media business pages
  • B. Single, common content funneling (upload) tool: Instead of all your branches, tenants, stores, and content providers submitting content through many different channels, they can now all upload using a common, single tool.
  • C. Single, centralised “housing” hub: All the submitted content is then housed in a single content hub, eliminating the need to manually migrate and centralise the content. The main business page approver can then FIND and VIEW all the submissions/posts in 1 place/portal, thus saving time.
  • D. Spelling: The tool has a built-in spell-check prompt to enable minimum quality and standardization for both content contributors and approvers.
  • E. Grammarly: Similarly, Smacsta has a built-in grammar prompt to enable minimum quality and standardization for both content contributors and approvers
  • F. Emoji library: Appropriately the tool provides access to emojis ensuring that your posts can be curated in line with audience and community communication styles.
  • G. Image crop: So much of winning “content” is visual and this feature supports a high rate of successful publishing by enabling compliance with social media platforms.
  • H. Manual post-scheduling: All your content contributors, tenants, stores, branches, etc. can schedule their posts in line with your agreed social media posting program already at the point of post-content creation, leaving you with the remaining task of reviewing, approving, and publishing.
  • I. Tracking: The tool has a dashboard giving contributors and approvers visibility to account requests, client lists, the status of the posts in the system, and basic post-level analytics giving a basic reaction of the audience to the posts.
  • J. Boosting: Affiliated branches, stores, tenants, content contributors, etc. have the option to boost posts (paid support) on the official “man” business page to amplify and scale audience REACH from within the tool. Please note however that this feature will only be active a few weeks after the official market launch.

4. Which social media platforms can the tool post to?

Smacsta has been developed to interface and publish to all social media platforms. This 1st release of the software however is currently limited to Meta’s Facebook and Instagram. This in order to allow the content contributors an opportunity to master the fundamentals. Subsequent releases will include other platform interfaces.


5. What type of content can Smacsta process (funnel)

Content contributors can curate text, still images, GIFs, audio, and video content provided that all elements fall within and comply with the publishing platforms' requirements, specifications, protocols, and thresholds. Visit the tutorial section for details and specifications.

6. Are there any limitations on any content format

For now, this 1st release of Smacsta can only upload feed content. In the case of Instagram, the interface to funnel (upload) stories and reels content will be available in subsequent releases.

7. Is this tool safe?

Yes, Smacsta is hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services), the leading web hosting service in the world.

8. Do I need training?

Not at all. Using Smacsta is easy. It’s a self-use tool that can be adopted quickly by simply signing up, following the prompts, viewing the demos and tutorials, consulting these FAQs, or getting in touch with the support team if needed. It is however highly recommended that all the content providers (branch, store, tenant, etc.) and the Master content custodians undertake an onboarding session that is provided by the Smacsta support team.

9. How can I sign up?

For content approvers A. Click on subscribe B. Create an account (profile) with a username and password following the prompts. C. Agree to the terms & conditions Then you’re ready to sign in and start servicing your clients and audience For content contributors: A. Click on subscribe B. Create an account (profile) with a username and password following the prompts. C. Agree to the terms & conditions D. Wait for approval by the content approver Then you’re ready to sign in and start “funneling” your content Visit the tutorial page for the exact steps and flow

10. Is the tool free?

The tool is not free however it is very competitively priced. New clients have a 1-month free trial after which there’s a paid monthly subscription of R399. Visit the pricing page for more detail.

11. Can the Headquarters of all my different business use 1 login

For this phase of the tool, different Headquarter business will each need their own Smacsta content approver account.

12. What happens if I experience a technical problem?

All users will be supported by the support hub. The hub can be contacted via email, telephone, or WhatsApp.

13. Can I generate my own reports?

Yes, you can generate basic analytics reports for post and platform-level analytics to the extent of user likes, shares, and comments.